Jumat, 01 Juni 2012



The complexity of the laws and rules that determine the tax for foreign companies and the profits generated abroad actually derived from some basic concepts
1.      Neutrality tax is the that the taxes do not have an influence (or neutral) against the decisions of allocation of resource.
2.      Equity tax is the that the compulsory tax that facing a situation that resemble and the similar undue pay the taxes who same but against of disapproval inter how the implements the this concept.

PROFIT FROM THE SUMBAR taxation abroad,
Some States separti french, costal Rica, hongkong panama south africa, swiss and venezuala apply the principle of territorial taxation and impose taxes on companies that are domiciled in the country that profits generated outside the State. While most countries (including Australia, Brazil, China, Czech Republic, Germany, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, UK, and Amarika States) to apply the principles throughout the world and impose taxes on profits or income of companies and citizens in it, regardless of the territory of the .

Tax credits can in the estimate if the the amount of income tax outer that nation that they paid will not too unclear (ie when the child companies overseas sends partly profits which sourced from overseas to the the parent domestic companies). Dividends are reported here in the parent company's tax return should be calculated gross (gross-up) to cover the amount of taxes (which are considered paid) plus all foreign levies taxes applicable. This means that as if the parent company receives dividends domestically which includes taxes owed to foreign governments and then pay the tax.
Indirect tax credit allowed foreign (foreign income taxes deemed paid) is determined as follows:
Dividend payments
(Including all tax levies)
x foreign tax can be credited
Profit after tax foreign income

In the tax planning of multinational companies have certain advantages over a purely domestic firm because it has greater flexibility in determining the geographic location of production and distribution systems. This flexibility provides the opportunity to utilize their own national tax ataryuridis differences so as to lower the overall corporate tax burden.
Observations top of problem planning this tax in began to with two things basic:
1.      Tax considerations should never mengandalikan business strategy
2.      Changes in tax laws are constantly limit the benefits of tax planning in the long term.

Transfer prices set a monetary value on the exchange between firms that take place between the operating unit and is a substitute for market prices. In general, the transfer price is recorded as revenue by one unit and the unit cost by others. Cross-border transactions of multinational corporations are also open to a number of environmental influences that created the same time destroying the opportunity to increase profits through transfer pricing. A number of variables separti tax rate competition infalsi rates, currency values, limitations on the transfer of funds, political risk and the interests of joint venture partners are very complicated transfer pricing decisions.

Reasonable transaction price is the price to be received by parties not related to special items the same or similar in the exact same situation or similar. Reasonable method of determining the transaction price that is acceptable is:
1.      the method of determining the comparable uncontrolled price.
2.      method of determining the resale price.
3.      plus the cost price determination methods and
4.      other methods of assessment rates

Tariffs for imported goods also affect transfer pricing policies of multinational corporations. In addition to the balance didentifikasikan, mulinasional companies should consider the costs and benefits, both internal an external. High tax rates paid by the importer will generate the income tax base is lower.

Competitiveness Factors
Similarly, a lower transfer price can be used to protect the ongoing operation of the influence of foreign competition is increasingly tied to the local market or other markets. Considerations the competitiveness like it should be be balanced against against many losses which result vice versa. Transfer rates for competitive reasons may invite anti-trust action by the government.

Performance Evaluation Factors
Transfer pricing policy is also influenced by their influence on behavior management and is often the main determinant of company performance.

Accounting for Contributions
The management accountant can mamainkan a significant role in calculating the balance (trade-offs) in transfer pricing strategies. The challenge is to maintain a global perspective when mapping the benefits and costs associated with determining pricing decisions

In a world with very competitive transfer rates, it will be a big deal when they wanted to transfer pricing resources and services between firms. However, there is rarely a competitive external market for products that are transferred between related entities is special. Problem of determining these costs are felt in the international level, because the concept of cost accounting is different from one country to another.

Principle of Fair
A common type of multinational companies is the integration operation. Subsidiaries are in the same control as well as sharing the same source and destination. The need to declare taxable income in different countries means that multinational companies must allocate income and expenses among subsidiaries and determining transfer prices for transactions between companies.

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